Support the M.E.S.S. Lab
Become a M.E.S.S. Maker!
In order to launch a successful M.E.S.S. Lab, we’re seeking a group of dedicated supporters to contribute seed funding for year one. After the first year, the program is designed to be self-sustaining through the sale of student-recycled paint. If all goes to plan, we hope to officially launch in 2021.
Become a MESS Maker in one of two ways:
Contribute $100 to the seed fund today.
Become a monthly contributor and pledge to donate $10/month for 1 year ($120 total).
Perks included! M.E.S.S. Makers will have the opportunity to...
Paint their own wall block (16”x8”) in the MESS Lab to inspire New Orleans students & residents
Join us at the MESS Lab launch party, open exclusively to MESS Lab supporters and partners.
Have access to a shared MESS Lab experience with a group of 5.
M.E.S.S. Masters
Is your business looking to support environmental education and civic engagement initiatives in New Orleans? Our M.E.S.S. Masters tiered sponsorship program is geared towards sponsors that want to go above and beyond by supporting The M.E.S.S. Lab at a level of $500 or more. Learn more about sponsoring the MESS Lab.